Tuesday's tough stuff:
Circuit 1: 3 sets 12 reps, increase weight each set
Seated low row
Seated cross-cable delt pull
One arm low row w/torso twist
Toe touches on bench w/10lb ball
Russian twists on bench w/10lb ball
Circuit 2: 2 sets 12 reps increasing weight, 3rd increase weight and drop-set until absolute fatigue
Tricep pull down with rope
High face pull on one leg with rope
stiff arm lat/tricep pull with rope
Circuit 3: 3 sets as many reps as possible, using heavy dumbbells, drop-sets
Bicep curl to overhead press (20s, 25s)
Chest press (20s, 25s, 30s)
Arms overhead L-crunch on bench (12 reps per set)
Circuit 4: 3 sets 10 reps
Reverse shrug using dip station
full twist w/oblique crunch
Circuit 5: 2 sets until fatigue
Lateral raises on one leg (8s, 10s)

Foam-rolled, stretched out my shoulders A LOT, and did more scorpions and hip flexor stretches. 90 minutes, 586 cals burned, 35% from FAT. It's crazy how hard the Stair monster is , yet doesn't burn as many calories as running. For me, running is usually relatively painless. My body has become so well-conditioned for running, that I don't feel PAIN after running a 7:34 mile, just lots of sweat.
I wish someone could get a photo of how SICK my back and shoulders look when I work out. Today, when I was working hard on the dip station, I saw striations in my shoulders! I was so shiny (aka sweaty) and ugh I just remember looking at myself in the mirror and thinking DAMNNN my shoulders look hot! (If only my booty had the same prominence...) I took a photo before I worked out today because I liked the outfit I wore to the gym, but you can BARELY see the definition in my shoulder caps thanks to my crappy cell phone quality.

Anyway, I would love to hear from anyone who follows my blog!!! BOTHER ME!! You can also read my twitter at twitter.com/lizbrody or mention @lizbrody on twitter. I tweet about everything, but you know i can't help but tweet about food and exercise!!
Much love.
Burn some calories tomorrow!!
keep it up hot stuff!!!! XOXO