Okay, so yesterday I stopped by Vitamin Shoppe to pick up a new brown rice protein formula. It doesn't taste too bad, and is pretty much identical to the one I was using before. Better than that soy crap (even though the soy protein tastes great.) Anyway, when I checked out, the cashier offered me a free magazine and threw it in my bag. The magazine is "Muscle & Performance," and seems to be entirely geared at men. I work out like a dude, NO ELLIPTICALS AND 3 POUND DUMBBELLS FOR ME, so I was ABSORBED in the magazine. They featured this actor Kevin Phillips, who regularly trains with various celebrity trainers. The workout plan this magazine featured is designed by kenny johnson, his regular trainer. Its a 7 day cycle, with 5 days of hardcore workouts, and 2 strategically planned rest days between "metabolic" and "cardio" workout days. On one of the "cardio" days, the task is to run one mile as FAST as possible, 5 times, with 3-5minute (or more if u need) rest in between each mile.
WHAT?! YES, THATS WHAT CARDIO SHOULD BE. Think your snail hour on the elliptical can compare with that? One of the "metabolic" workout rounds involves an exercise called "manmakers" paired with 50 mountain climbers, back to back 5 times. There are tons of other workout segments in the magazine, and you'll hear about them as soon as I attempt them first!
Sooo, WHAT DID I DO? I combined these! I planned to do 3 one mile runs, and the manmakers and mountain climbers, followed by decline abs and hyperextensions. Let's call this my WOMAN MAKER workout!!!
Tuesday's ass-kicking:
Treadmill: 4.5-5.5 for 3 minutes, loosened up the hamstrings so I could bust my ass in my first fast-paced mile.
1st mile -- 7:42
----walk at 3.5 til 9 minutes, rest 1 minute
2nd mile--7:40
-----walk at 3.5 til 9 minutes, rest 2 minutes
3rd mile--7:29
----walk suuuper slow at 2.5 til 9 minutes...and BREATHE for a minute

(Manmaker= holding light dumbbells, i used 7.5lbs, squat, place weights in front of feet, jump back into plank position, pushup, row right arm, pushup, row left arm, hop back, stand, overhead press. thats 1 rep.)
5 sets back to back, decreasing reps on the manmakers 5-4-3-2-1, each set followed by 50 mountain climbers, no rest unless you have to. (I had to rest 30 seconds between sets) Full pushups, NO CHEATING on form, that makes it useless! I tried to find a video of someone correctly executing manmakers, and none had proper form!
At this point, only about 42 minutes into my workout, i was DRIPPING.
--decline ab bench:
-arms overhead, lay back and use core to come straight up 45 secs non-stop
-oblique circle/twists 45 secs nonstop
-static hold 30 secs repeat twice
--Hyperextensions (only supported til below the hip, FULL range of motion) 40 reps, with squeeze at the top. WHOA my glutes and back were on FIRE
--prone bridges on heels 50 reps
--10 vsits
did some serious stretching of the hamstrings, and was SHOT.
Less than an hour later, 500 calories burned
So motivated to PUSH myself as hard as possible!!
This chick can take on MANMAKERS any day, puhLEASE.
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