So today was the first day of the second semester for me, and I just moved back into my dorm yesterday. That means:
--New routine
--Crunch, not equinox
--Way less availability in terms of kitchen functionality (I had to make my oats and protein in the MICROWAVE today..)
So on this GROSS , rainy day.. Here's what I did. I didn't want to spend forever in the gym, because I'm dancing at 7:30, but I ended up getting crazy anyway.
Treadmill: (I wasn't going to run, but my legs wanted to loosen up!) Ended up running About 3.5 miles in 32 minutes..and I wanted to keep running!! The last 10 minutes of my run, I alternated between running at 7.0 and running backwards at 5.5
Circuit 1: 3 sets: 15/12/10reps, increasing weight each set
Seated low row (20/25/27.5)
Seated upright row (5/10/12.5)
seated one arm row with torso rotation (10/12.5/15)
Circuit 2: 3 sets 12/10/10 reps, increasing weight
Tricep pull down w/rope (35/40/45)
High face pull w/ rope (40/45/55)
Circuit 3: 3 sets aim for 10 reps
bicep curl w/40lb barbell
Overhead press w/15lb dbells (15 reps)
Bent over row on one leg w 15lb dbells
Circuit 4: 2 sets 20 reps
Tricep support lat dips on roman chair (think shoulder shrugs but reverse motion)
Tricep support oblique crunches on roman chair
downdog to parallel pushup (15 reps per set)
I stretched and foam rolled, and ended up burning 569 calories in just over an hour!! 40% calories from FAT! Felt GOOD to see those results after working my BUTT off for a solid hour.
NOW I'm about to go dance my butt off...and burn even MORE calories.. I've been eating enough though! All this running I've been doing, I NEED to write a blog about it. Every week I cover AT LEAST 20 miles..pretty incredible, considering the amount of things I do ALONG with that.
What are YOU proud of yourself for?
Think about that...
Til' next time!
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