--New routine
--Crunch, not equinox
--Way less availability in terms of kitchen functionality (I had to make my oats and protein in the MICROWAVE today..)
So on this GROSS , rainy day.. Here's what I did. I didn't want to spend forever in the gym, because I'm dancing at 7:30, but I ended up getting crazy anyway.
Treadmill: (I wasn't going to run, but my legs wanted to loosen up!) Ended up running About 3.5 miles in 32 minutes..and I wanted to keep running!! The last 10 minutes of my run, I alternated between running at 7.0 and running backwards at 5.5
Circuit 1: 3 sets: 15/12/10reps, increasing weight each set
Seated low row (20/25/27.5)
Seated upright row (5/10/12.5)
seated one arm row with torso rotation (10/12.5/15)
Circuit 2: 3 sets 12/10/10 reps, increasing weight
Tricep pull down w/rope (35/40/45)
High face pull w/ rope (40/45/55)
Circuit 3: 3 sets aim for 10 reps
bicep curl w/40lb barbell
Overhead press w/15lb dbells (15 reps)
Bent over row on one leg w 15lb dbells
Circuit 4: 2 sets 20 reps

Tricep support oblique crunches on roman chair
downdog to parallel pushup (15 reps per set)
I stretched and foam rolled, and ended up burning 569 calories in just over an hour!! 40% calories from FAT! Felt GOOD to see those results after working my BUTT off for a solid hour.
NOW I'm about to go dance my butt off...and burn even MORE calories.. I've been eating enough though! All this running I've been doing, I NEED to write a blog about it. Every week I cover AT LEAST 20 miles..pretty incredible, considering the amount of things I do ALONG with that.
What are YOU proud of yourself for?
Think about that...
Til' next time!
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