Hope everyone started 2012 off on the RIGHT FOOT, and did something physical, burned some calories, and then ate some quality calories! This morning, my mom and I woke up around 8, and got breakfast and coffee going as usual. I had a whole egg with 5 whites, with a TON of spinach and 1tsp flax seeds on a piece of ezekiel toast. Its my favorite breakfast, especially before working out. I usually just do whites, but since i always lack fat in my diet, I threw a whole egg in there. As for mom, she was feeling guilty from dinner last night, so she had just eggwhites with flax seeds and a ton of spinach. Both of us really feel better with lower carbs in general, even before a tough workout. I always make sure to get my 11 grams of carbs in there with my ezekiel, but I'm not a huge carb lover, and oatmeal sits in my stomach...not a good feeling when you're sprinting away at 10.0 on the treadmill. We ate, then had coffee, and got ready to workout! We went to greenwich equinox and there was nobody there, so nice! I FINALLY convinced mom to let me run next to her , and give her a treadmill plan. She did pretty much the same interval setup as me, but went slower. We both started with a .25 mile warmup walk at 4.0.. She rocked it out in her run just as long as I did though! Here's my workout:
1 minute intervals:
-6.0/6.5/7.0/backwards 5.5
After 4 rounds of that, I amped my speed
-6.5/7.0/7.5/5.5 backwards
when i hit 30 minutes:
-6.0/10.0 (3 rounds)
walked at 4.0 to cool down for 1 minute
WHEW ! That was tough...mom and i were sooso sweaty...then we headed to the floor
circuit 1: 3 sets 10reps
one arm seated low row 15lbs
seated row w/ rope attachment 55 lbs
10 toe touches w/8lb kettlebell
circuit 2: kettlebells 3 sets 10
upright row 25lbs
squat w 35lbs
40 mountain climbers/30 sec plank
circuit 3: kettlebells 2 sets 10
one arm shoulder press 17.5 lbs
plank row 17.5lbs
calf jumps
circuit 4: 3 sets 10 reps
lateral raises 7.5 lbs
reverse fly's 7.5 lbs
frontal raises 7.5 lbs
circuit 5: 2 sets 10 reps
incline chest press 22.5lbs
overhead press 30lb barbell
circuit 6: 3 sets 12reps
wide grip lat pull down
reverse grip lat pull down
--worked my obliques/abs/triceps on the roman chair for about 3 minutes

Post-workout food:
eggwhites w/LOTS of spinach and 1tsp flax
1 red bell pepper filled with quinoa
--->Its REALLY IMPORTANT to refuel immediately after a workout, to FEED your muscles so that they can repair and grow. Aim for at least 20g protein after a workout, with carbs too !! If you're in a rush and can't prepare food after your workout, DO NOT eat a bar...those are absolute GARBAGE!!
--on the go post-workout fuel: 1 scoop protein powder (or 2, if you're trying to "bulk" or gain muscle) mixed with 8-12oz cold water, and an apple or an orange. (A medium orange has 7grams of fiber!!)
--smoothies + juices: if your gym has a juice bar, avoid smoothies with a ton of fruit and dairy. Ask for water, protein, and one type of fruit. If your juice bar makes fresh vegetable juices, ask them to blend a vegetable juice with a scoop of protein!
---my favorite juice: celery,cucumber,spinach,romaine,ginger,lemon,green apple,kale, blended with 1 scoop of protein powder. Its light green and YUMMY.
---my favorite smoothie: 1.5cups water, .5cup unsweetened almond milk, scoop protein, 3/4cup frozen berries, handful spinach
what else did i eat today? about 3 hours after my post-workout/lunch meal, i had 2 stalks of celery, handful of baby carrots, and 1/2scoop protein powder mixed with water over some ice cubes.
What am i eating for dinner:
Making tuna salad:
1 can tuna
2 stalks celery
1tsp flax seeds
handful spinach
3 baby carrots
lemon juice
--i dice the celery, spinach, and carrots, and mix everything together. I eat it with some whole celery stalks and bell pepper slices.
Late night: Big cup of peppermint tea, with 2 tea bags. No caffeine, smells like candy canes!!
Hope your first day of 2012 was as GREAT as mine !!!
Everyone better have a sick workout and eat clean tomorrow!
Try my workout from today, or parts of it. The treadmill intervals will have you VERY SWEATY.
lets get shredded!!
xoxoox Liz
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