Friday, February 10, 2012


Sorry for the lack of blogging yesterday. If you know me, you know I've been training at Pilates ProWorks like a mad woman, because our grand opening is February 15th!! All of the instructors have been putting in lots of hours and creative and physical effort to mold a class format that's cohesive, and united, so that each Barre Pro class will offer the same intensity, creative, and workout method. With that said, we've been doing LOTS of pilates work, as you can imagine...
Me, being the lunatic that I am, was like "oh, its just pilates, let me get my workouts done before I go to the studio..." Bad decision. I didn't slow my pace or decrease my workout load in the gym at ALL during the first 2 days of training, and one morning I woke up just wanting to kill someone! So, I took Thursday ENTIRELY OFF. Instead of Treadmill Thursday, I made it into TRAIN thursday by going to see my momma and sisters for this big sale at their favorite store on greenwich avenue. My mom had THIS waiting for me when i got off the train! IT WAS AMAZING. (look below)

 I went back to the city at 6, was back in my dorm before 7, did laundry, watched law and order, and got to sleep early so that I could wake up for BARRYS BOOT CAMP this morning with my favorite instructor ( he's incredible and motivating. I also prepped my breakfast before i went to sleep, so I could roll out of bed at 6:45 instead of 6:30 and just eat.
Breakfast: (Pre-Barry's)
--1.5tbsp vegan protein mixed with 1/2tb chia seeds and water to make overnight protein pudding
--1/2cup 5grain hot oats with a few frozen blueberries, soaked in water and 1/2tb chia seeds overnight

--By leaving oats in the fridge overnight with water, they soak up the water and EXPAND...feels like you can't even finish them once u add more water and microwave or cook them!! 

Remember to REST and FEED your body accordingly. Don't treat your ferrari like a honda. only PREMIUM fuel for your body, you only have one!! 

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