So I've been in this pattern lately (the past 3 weeks) of TORCHING my legs/butt/back on Tuesday's. It's my designated "leg day" if you will. Its my one day in the gym where i REALLY focus on the booty and legs, and work EVERY muscle down there until fatigue. It's tough, but I WANT to be proud of my BUTT. These leg workouts I put myself through are so difficult, that towards the end I want to throw up instead of doing the last set of lunges or drop-setting squats.
It's sick, but i LOVE IT. After I finish a physically taxing workout, I feel 100x better than when I walked in the gym, even if I can barely walk. Like today, I had a REALLY AWFUL TEST at 8am (college sucks).. then I had a 3 hour fiction class...which tends to drag on. Once it was 2pm, my energy was just not pleasant. But I was on a mission, I knew this workout was important, and that it had to be done.
Needless to say, I worked out from 3:15-4:45, and feel absolutely BETTER about myself, my strength, and my progress than I did earlier today. I really work every single muscle to exhaustion during these workouts, so I'll give a rough outline of my workout:
Treadmill warmup:
2% incline. run between 6-7mph for 11 minutes, walk until hit 12 minutes.
Leg press: 90lbs
3 sets 20 reps
in between sets, 1min of plank variations
calf raises using leg press 20 reps 3 sets
Squat rack: Here's where I spent about 40 minutes
stiff-legged using 45/65/95
bent-legged using 45/65/95
(lots of sets, reps until vomit threshold)
in between sets I supersetted with stuff like this:
alternating lunges holding 10lb plates
side lunges w/ reverse fly 5 lb plates
lateral raises 5 lb plates
Hip-width parallel stance 45/65/95
wide stance, toes turned slightly out DEEP 45/65/95
(lots of sets, reps until I felt I was going to sacrifice depth)
In between I supersetted with stuff like this:
12 pushups
alternating lunges with pulses
side lunges
overhead press, bringing bar behind head (only used 45lbs no heavier)
forearm plank row w/10lb plate
Static 45/65
Alternating 45/65
in between sets i supersetted with:
isometric bicep curl hold w/45/65lbs
overhead press, bar to chest 45lbs
lateral raises 5lb plates stand on one leg
Believe it or not, I ended with MORE DEADLIFTS
Deadlift-put bar down, squat deep, drive bar up quick 65/45
roughly 12 reps per weight
12 pushups x2
Swiss Ball:
Glute raise 10reps x2
Butt plank (straight leg glute raise) 10x2, hold 20 secs after each set
HOLY CRAP!! So hard.
Time: 1:15minutes
Calories: 516
I'm gonna be SORE tomorrow.
Change doesn't come with comfort.
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