Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentine's Day! I love everyone who reads and enjoys my blogs and posts and tips and rants! You all mean the world to me, because you allow me to reach out and to DO something with my passion and absolute PASSION and LOVE for fitness , wellness, and nutrition...

Okay so i've been complaining and talking about how I've been dying to GET MY BUTT BACK ... and today marked the start of this journey. By the look ... ahem, FEEL of today's workout, I can already tell its NOT going to be easy.
I said to myself: no cardio. let's SQUAT, DEADLIFT, LUNGE, until I can't go anymore.
I warmed up for only 3 minutes on the stair monster at level 14 so I almost died !
Squat rack: Started with deadlifts.
45lbs warmup 15 reps, followed by 15 bent over rows with the bar
65lbs 15 reps, followed by 40 mountain climbers
85 lbs 12 reps, 40 mountain climbers
95 lbs 10 reps, 8 reps, 40 mountain climbers, plank series

Split squats/ Squats:
Split squats w/45lbs 12 reps per leg, squat 12 reps, repeat
Split squats w/65 lbs, 10 reps per leg, squat 12 reps, repeat
--plank w/ row using 10lbs 20 reps each arm
Split squats w/45 lbs 12 reps, pulse 20 seconds after each set in lunge
--repeat plank w/row

Squats: I do my squats with my feet slightly turned OUT to activate more glute muscles
Squat 65lbs, 12 reps , followed by single leg deadlift w/bent over row 12 reps (repeat squats w 65, and other leg deadlifts)
Squat 85lbs, 10 reps, deadlifts on both sides
Squat 95 lbs 10 reps x2

--1 min of alternating reverse lunges
--1 min of squats w/ hands over head
--1 min mountain climbers
--1 min plank dips

Superset (backtobacktoback)
Suitcase Squats w/25lb plates 3 sets 15
Decline oblique crunch 3 sets 15
Hyperextensions w/10lb weight 3 sets 15

Glute raises on stability ball 3 sets 20
Dip station L crunch 3 sets 12

cooled down for 6 minutes on the stationary bike, and stretched
Burned 439 cals in just over an hour. they were a HARD earned 439 calories too!! I can't wait until I get my strength back and go back to squatting more than 135 lbs! But this time, I am not willing to compromise form to lift heavier. If I can't do the squat fully and completely, its NOT time to move up the weight. I had to PUSH myself harder than ever to get through the workout, but i DID IT!! My upper body got jealous that my lower body was getting all the love, so I had to throw in some overhead presses and bicep curls just to pay attention to the muscles here and there. Between sets on the squat rack, as I was moving plates, I would crank out 10-12 reps of an upper body exercise here and there to get my heart rate up and make my upper body happy.
I'm so excited for where this whole Booty goal could take me!! This picture is what i would LOVE to look like from behind.. petite, but with a nice a$$ ... and purple is my fave color! lol.
Well, I'll keep everyone posted on the butt improvement. Who's with me?!!? Lets make our problem areas our PROUDEST and STRONGEST areas! muscle up!

xoxo, Liz

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