Changing my eating habits has had SO many positive impacts on me. Of course eating lots of vegetables and whole foods will positively affect your physical appearance, but one of the best parts of ditching dairy and lots of "whole wheat" or "whole grain" cereals and granolas and bars is the relief on my digestive system. For example--Dairy.
I always knew that I had a lactose issue. However, what i failed to realize is that dairy of all types bothered my stomach. Whey, casein, lactose, "calcium caseinate--seriously, who the heck would know that was a code word for milk---all tore apart my stomach. Not to be graphic, but eating things that included dairy (frequently greek yogurt and protein bars or muscle milks) REALLY bothered my stomach...for HOURS after eating them. I just was so accustomed to the bloated feeling that I dealt with it. Once I cut out greek yogurt, I immediately noticed a good change in both the look and feeling of my abdomen. Slowly, I began consuming less and less dairy--cutting down the muscle milk, protein bars, no more skim in the iced coffee. Without even TRYING, nearly all of the bloat was GONE and I lost like 10 pounds! A major PLUS of cutting out dairy was that I began substituting processed protein bars and shakes with REAL foods and more fruits and vegetables and grilled chicken.
Since cutting dairy, I slowly cut out pretty much every single processed treat or "health" food from my typical diet. No more 100 calorie packs or processed low carb wraps. Lately, I've really tightened up my diet and get 60-70% of my carbohydrates from vegetables, limiting grains to once a day...just oats for breakfast. All other carbs come from broccoli and green beans, with occasional bell peppers and fresh spinach in my omelets.
People wonder, do I enjoy sitting down to a bowl of broccoli the size of my head? The true answer. YES. To be able to eat SO much and NOT suffer from tummy problems or bloat is worth it. Being able to eat foods that FILL me and don't upset my stomach is rewarding. If I didn't LIKE eggwhites I sure wouldn't eat them 3 times a day. I RARELY crave unhealthy food. Almost never really. When I have cravings or treat myself to things "off diet" its usually: peanut butter, extra oat bran, berries, bananas, cacao nibs, dried cranberries, sweet potatoes, ezekiel bread. Yeah...those aren't exactly unhealthy. In fact, some VERY fit people eat those things every SINGLE day. I just prefer to fill up on green vegetables because i have a gigantic appetite. 100 calories of broccoli holds me over much better than 100 calories of banana, or a measly tablespoon of peanut butter.
So yes. I DO love my meals. Like this is a typical "lunch/afternoon" meal for me:
About 300 calories. 5cups (1lb) broccoli, 5 eggwhites, spinach, dressed with all natural salsa. See how MUCH FOOD THAT IS?!?! That's the kind of meal I LIKE and enjoy, while still being able to feel GOOD about it!! See that picture? That bowl is as big as i am!
Another favorite of mine: 1 scoop of protein powder mixed with cocoa powder, water, and chia seeds. I love the taste, and YES I would rather eat that than a bowl of ice cream. I DO enjoy my weird little protein puddings and pancakes and snacks.
It all goes back to the central ideas I've been blogging about lately--commitment and finding what works for you. You need to find a balance between loving every moment of your life and reaching your goals. Because frankly, you might not salivate over every egg white, chicken breast, or side of broccoli. But the six pack and improved gym performance won't come without some sacrifice.
So next time you see me, please don't ask if I "like" eating whatever I'm eating. The answer is YES. And if I don't, I'm stil happy about my choice to eat it. And unlike some wildly intense figures in the fitness industry (or at least the ones who portray themselves to be such a way,) I do NOT deprive myself. I never find myself eating eggwhites and broccoli but really dreaming of eating chinese food or a bagel. I give myself a day each week to eat what my body feels--and eat carbs from grains and fruits to give my digestive system a break from all the veggie roughage.
That is what works for ME.
Can't wait for my grilled chicken breast and green beans with salsa and fresh avocado for dinner!! SERIOUSLY. its a new favorite.
I am right there with ya! I LOVE the feeling I get from eating lots of fresh healthy produce and veggies.