I love you.
I look forward to the time we spend together every tuesday. You get heavier and tougher each week, but you only motivate me to crush you once again (in the most loving way possible of course.)
I love you. Spending time working with you has done wonders for my glutes, hamstrings, back, and overall gym badass quota. You give lift to my backside, even though its tough to walk after our Tuesday dates.
Um....okay. You guys get it right? Deadlifts are by far my absolute favorite exercise. On each "leg day" I deadlift til the cows come home. All variations.
Here's the deadlifting from today's workout:
Stiff legged deads w/30lb barbell to warmup: 15x3
Single legged deads w/35lb kettlebell 10x3
Hardcore Deads:
95lbs 8x2
115 lbs 8 reps
135 lbs 8 reps
145 lbs 5 reps
DRUMROLL.......155 lbs. remember I couldn't lift it last week?! TODAY:
155 3 reps x 2
BOOM!!! I got it! It was a combination of the Monster pre-workout and my new lifting GLOVES, and alternate grip. Left underhand, right overhand, then switched grip to right underhand, left overhand. I killed it! I wasn't done, duh...
135lbs 8 reps
95lbs 10 reps
45lbs stiff legs 15 reps
now THATS how you deadlift. more than 10 sets. I WANT RESULTS! No 3x10 bullshit when I'm really trying to make improvements. People say to keep your muscles guessing, yeah. sure. But most importantly, keep your muscles WORKING HARD. If there's gas in the tank, FLOOR it. Thats what I call working to exhaustion. done.
If you can imagine, thats only one part of my leg workouts!
Along with the crazy set volume of deadlifts, I do about 8-12 sets of squat variations, some lunges, weighted hyperextensions, and today i leg pressed.
You get out what you put in.
Do you put in work?
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