Thursday, June 7, 2012

36 minutes and some muscle

So I'm in the mood to throw another workout at you.

Wait. TWO workouts.

Yesterday, Wednesday, was cardio.
Today, Thursday, was back and biceps.

Wednesday: The last thing in the world i was in the mood to do was run. but, it was national running day, and i was scheduled to do cardio! who cares my legs were sore from my leg workout the day before?!
I was having major cardio ADD so here's what I did:

1. Stair master. Levels 8-10 for 12 minutes
2. Treadmill. Alternate between walking 4.0 and running 7.0+ til 12 minutes
3. Octane w/arm blaster. pedal forward one min, backward one min. high resistance, 12 minutes.

I was a sweaty mess by the end of that!

Now. Fun part.

TODAY's Workout.
This is the polished and formatted version. Not EXACTLY what I did. close enough
**quick 2-3 minute warmup with 5lb dbells**

Superset 1. Seated bicep curl on incline bench 20lbs / bent over row 25lbs
4 sets, 6-8 reps

Superset 2. Unilateral lat raises 12.5lbs / Bicep curl 50lb barbell
4 sets, 6-8 reps

Set 3. Unilateral Bent over row: 40s/45s/50s
6 sets total. 3-7 rep range *3 reps for 50s*

Set 4. Reverse fly prone on incline bench 10lb dbells
4 sets 10 reps
**work negative rep unilateral bicep curls between sets. 30lb dbells**

Superset 5. Lat pull down/unilateral seated cable row
4 sets. 8-12 rep range

Triset 6. Cable back bicep curl / cable unilateral lat raise / cable unilateral lat pull down
3 sets 8 reps
**FINALE** PULL-UP PRACTICE! Narrow grip and wide grip. Practiced from dead hang, and worked negative reps to get closer to actually doing my pullups!

Now I'll take the liberty to upload a random pic i snapped today because the lighting in the tanning salon was cool:
Aaaand here's another pic I took today. See how one photo can make me look big and muscular, but another one I look like workout barbie?
That's the beauty of creating the physique you want! Small frame, big muscles...that's what i'm going for. 



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