Hump day. Weee! Happy Wednesday (If you're reading this on a wednesday, of course..)
All my loyal readers probably know that yesterday was LEG DAY...which means lots of deadlifts and squats and lunges and yeah ouch ouch ouch.
Today, my legs were tender as usual, and I usually try to use the elliptical or just jog to get in cardio and get blood pumping through my system to alleviate some stiffness the day after a tough leg workout.
Well, today was different.
I started my workout with triceps,core, and forearms. Made up a new exercise which was near impossible to finish my 3 sets of 10..stay tuned for info on THAT badboy.
After 35 minutes, it was cardio time.
Call me crazy, but I put myself on the stair monster!! 12 minutes on that bitch.
Stair Monster:12 minutes
3 minutes @ level 65
3 minutes @level 75
3 minutes @level 85
1 minute @level 180 --running.
2 minutes @level 100
Then, hopped on the treadmill. Again with the intent of jogging no faster than 7.0 woops
Treadmill: 20 minutes
1 min warmup @4.0
3 minute cycle: 6.0/6.5/7.0, then go down 7.0/6.5/6.0
completed that round 3 times, then ran at 7.5. I hit 1.50 miles, and ran backwards til 15 min. Then, I had a crazy surge of MOTIVATION. Set the incline to 11%, speed to 6.5.
Minutes 15-20:
Incline @ 11%/speed 6.5-7.0, run 20 sec, rest 10 sec. repeat til 20 min.
walk @0 incline 3.0 speed to cool down 1 minute.
Dripping. Yup.
Sometimes motivation just HITS you at the RIGHT moment. And as I'm writing 8 hours legs are almost numb. But no cardio planned for tomorrow, so I'll have a killer workout anyway. I don't get motivation from looking at pictures of ripped fitness models with cheesy sayings plastered across them. I don't get motivation from seeing pictures of celery and cucumbers arranged in a heart. I get motivation from looking at pictures of ME. It reminds me how awesome I am, but also, what I WANT and NEED to accomplish in terms of my physique. I eat like 3 pounds of green beans and broccoli EVERYDAY...i sure as hell dont get turned on by looking at pictures of them.
I'm FLATTERED if you are motivated by me, pictures of me, or things I write. And uh, that means this blog is working!! I WANT to motivate you.
Don't get me wrong...there are definitely people I look up to, and who motivate me often. But first, it has to come from within.
Hey look there's a secret freebie workout in this post!
Lucky you :)
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