Monday, July 30, 2012

Putting down the heavy weights..

I'm back from LA, and even though my sleep schedule was a little messy last night due to my awkward flight time, I managed to be on my feet today and get through a GRUELING workout. I've taken this slight injury as a SIGN to put my heavy lifting at bay. While I get a SICK adrenaline rush from pushing around man status iron, there is really no need for me to press 70% of my bodyweight over my head...especially given this new task I've taken on--to lean out a LOT. Not to mention, I got caught up watching Shaun T and his INSANITY infomercial, and was instantly reminded how HARD it is to do plyos and bodyweight exercises for extended periods of time. Time for some hardcore CONDITIONING to happen in my world.

People ALWAYS say that you need to keep your body guessing, change your routine frequently. ITS TRUE! I've been training heavy and hard , staying under 10 reps for a few solid months. My body is probably used to it, and wants something different. Today, I went back to my old training friend--circuit training. I used circuit-style and metabolic training throughout the winter, and it definitely worked for me, so I'm going back to that for the next 2-3 months. I will still use CHALLENGING weights, but I'm working in the 10-15 rep range, doing circuits that hit different body parts, and have some form of plyometric or HR-booster for timed intervals at the end.

I'm looking to shed fat, and I have put on SO much muscle, so I have some to spare without worry. Circuit training keeps my heart rate elevated in addition to the cardio i do, therefore--more total calories burned. This is what I want, since I'm trying to cut down!

I never thought I'd be happy to ditch my usual training split, but I'm excited for a new regimen! 
Here's a look into what my workout schedule will look like:

Day 1: AM cardio
PM upper body circuit, followed by cardio

Day 2:AM cardio
PM lower body circuit, followed by cardio

Day 3: AM cardio/PM cardio

Day 4: AM cardio
PM upper body circuit, followed by cardio

Day 5: AM cardio
PM lower body circuit, followed by cardio

Day 6/7: rest. These days can be factored in between workout days if i want. Intensity of cardio and duration depends on the condition of my body and feeling. If I'm absolutely SHOT from doing legs, I'll lessen the intensity of my cardio. I'll have this all figured out 100% by the end of this week after I complete the schedule. Yes, I'm doing cardio 2x a day. I'm on a mission! Oh, and no extra calories for my hard work :) I'll leave those up to my readers who are working hard to put ON some muscle, not take OFF! 

Note: There is no NEED to do so much cardio, or spend this much time in the gym to see results. This is a very intense regimen, and I am using it for a specific reason. This is only for a few months, and my training will taper down and resume to "normal" once I have reached my goal. I have NEVER worked out this intensely before, and have gotten results I never even dreamed of. When I was 18 I just wanted to be a size 6 and "look skinny" in pictures! I never thought that less than two years later, I'd be wearing a size 2 with visible muscle definition, deadlifting a bar heavier than I used to weigh. It's all about patience and dedication, never forget that. I do not suggest that you read this post and copy my workout schedule, unless you've been training for a while and want to take it to the next level. I know my body better than anyone, and through your own fitness journey, you will continue to understand your own. 

I look forward to updating you guys on the impact of my new regimen! 

Happy lifting, go kick your own assss!!!

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