Sunday, July 1, 2012

MAJOR major weekend update

This is seriously about to be like 4 posts in 1! I've been SO worn out by the end of the day that I can't even function well enough to write coherent blog posts. SO here's my weekend:

Thursday: AM track workout done at 7am before breakfast

the track workout: 
--run a lap as fast as possible
--run up and down the bleachers FAST 5x
--10 burpees
--10 squat jumps

Complete 4x.
Finish with: "The burpee challenge" aka do 10/9/8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1 burpees. I chose to do it with minimal rest in between since I was aiming for a short and INTENSE workout. under 40 minutes.

I was SO sweaty. Then, I had work until 3.
Later Thursday night, I hit the gym for Chest and Triceps. AND I practiced my pullups...making some SICK progress.

Friday: Legs EXCEPTIONALLY sore, but you guys know thats normal at this point. I worked, then ran 5 miles as my workout. Each week, I do ONE "run" between 4-5 miles. Every other time I run or do cardio, it's about busting my ass doing sprints and intervals. 

Friday night, I had pole dancing. Always fun!

I could not WAIT to sit around and REST my sore muscles on Saturday. 

Saturday: slept in until 9am! 
made this amazing breakfast: coconut flour protein pancakes with banana and cocoa powder mash. back to using coconut milk with my coffee! FAVORITE.

For the rest of Saturday, I was actually successful in keeping my diet SUPER tight and consumed very little carbs. The most carbs I ate were from a handful of baby carrots. Had to pat myself on the back for sticking to a "non-training day" menu. Less calories, almost no carbs, but I was good!

I also went to watch a friend in her NPC bikini competition. It was my first bodybuilding competition, and i LOVED it! And, my friend WON her height class!

Sunday: (Today) I trained SHOULDERS and hit my BICEPS. Holy crap did i BURN OUT my shoulders. And oh, here's my new favorite dish. It's like a bowl from heaven.

--grilled chicken
--flax seeds
--miracle noodles

Overall, I had an AMAZING weekend. About to start working a bit harder on resting my body more efficiently, and getting FISH OIL asap.

Sorry for the delay.
Hope you enjoyed this monster post.

1 comment:

  1. I loooove coconut milk in coffee! SO much better than almond milk =D
