Aw, really?! Thanks.
So I moved out of my dorm today and I'm home now!! It's May, and summer is soon to be here. Anyone have any big summer goals? Whether your goals are related to your physique or training doesn't matter, but just because its summer time doesn't mean its okay to just slack off and do nothing! Something has to motivate you to continue being a better YOU.
Okay, enough pep talk. I know you all want to know what MY goals are for this summer, since you miss me so much:
1. lean out: I've been training super heavy and busting my ass to put on muscle all year, and doing a strong amount of cardio to offset too much fat gain, but with any type of gaining...fat likes to tag along. I've come to a point where I feel a little bit too big for myself, even though I'm being incredibly nit-picky and probably look no different, probably even better, to most people. My heavy leg training has definitely had a great impact on my glute and leg development, but my quads really didn't need any help...they're powerhouse quads i tell ya. So I'm ready to take my chances and cut the weight because I'm happy with the amount of muscle I've gained.
2. SPREAD MY LOVE FOR FITNESS : even further than I already do. I'm making it a MUST that I find employment in this fitness industry so that I can surround myself with people who also love to work out and live healthy lifestyles. I am also taking my first steps toward becoming a certified personal trainer!! More on that to come as my journey unfolds.
3. Get more people involved: From family to close friends, I want to encourage more people I am close with to develop a positive relationship with healthy actions and fitness and nutrition. People tend to just look at the foods I eat and call me crazy, but what they do not understand is the method to my madness. I feel so strongly about the positive impact of my eating habits on my attitude, immune system, and outlook,and I really want others to have the opportunity to feel the same way. This might sound corny, but I get SO excited when someone tweets or texts me that they just sprinted harder than ever before, or ate eggwhites instead of pancakes because they thought of me. It lets me know I'm making a difference to people!
4. Clearly identify WHAT my PURPOSE for THIS BLOG is. Understand that my blog is not for the average reader. I'm awesome, but not mainstream. I'm the crazy girl that puts up pictures of myself on facebook, tweets about kale one minute, and raunchy thoughts about what I would do with Trey Songz the next minute... (incase you don't follow my tweets..) And why? Why do I do crazy things like this? Do I want people to "like" photos of me so that I feel better about myself ? NO. Do I WANT to pop up all over people's news feed to keep my name out there? NO. I really want to SHARE with the world. Fuck that was too dramatic. Share with the facebook community? sure, more accurate. I do what I WANT to. If you believe my thoughts are too intense, don't read my blog posts. I encourage anyone who enjoys reading my posts to take things I say with a grain of salt (don't fret the excess sodium..lol.) I am INCREDIBLY hard on myself, and my blog often voices my inner thoughts, which I usually spend hours thinking about and reasoning with after blogging about them. But, If you didn't have me telling you that eating grapes will hide your six-pack (one of those salt moments) who would?!
*A note on grapes: they have been a fabulous friend on my muscle building journey. Are they getting cut from my diet? Probably not. I like them too much! Just not as frequent in the diet.
And then, some things I'm looking forward to, but not necessarily "goals"
-getting tan, looking good in my bikinis, fun workouts, not so fun workouts, wearing shorts and flipflops, cold foods, crisp veggies and fruits all day, going to some parties, people watching in union square in the sun, lulu lemon shorts weather, LA in July, dancing, changing up my workout schedule, blogging, blogging...more blogging. THEN *cue CAKE by Rihanna* my birthday in August! Leo girl, rawr.
So happy to be back on the blog!!
Big hugs and kisses
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