Saturday, May 12, 2012


So, for a number of reasons I have a GUEST blogger writing in place of me for today's post. I came across her blog via twitter, and it warmed my heart for a number of reasons. MISS FIT BRITT (her adorable blog name) is only 15, and totally taking control of her health and well-being. She LIFTS and appreciates the benefits of eating whole, clean foods. At age 15, I thought I was ahead of the curve eating my protein bars and eating caesar salads. Could have been worse, right? Anyhow, I know some of my readers are still in high school, and others maybe have younger siblings. It's NEVER too young to understand the difference between grilled chicken and mcnuggets, between oatmeal and froot loops! My sisters are 12 and 14, and I have introduced  them to some pretty great healthy meals and tricks. I trust Brittany here to do that on a widespread level because her FRIENDS are her audience and support system ! Fitness and nutrition come with varying levels of intensity and dedication--but it's never too early to start taking care of your body. Remember, we only have one! Without further adieu:

Hello Liz's awesome readers! :)

I'm Brittany and I blog over at I'm actually just about to turn 16, so I'm a bit younger than most bloggers out there, but if there's one thing Liz and I have in common it's fitness!

I have a passion for fitness, especially weightlifting. There's nothing that makes me happier than getting to the gym and throwing around some heavy weight. And I love my HIIT sessions as well! I am NOT a cardio person like most girls my age. I can't go for an hour on the elliptical and not be bored. That's why weights / HIIT and I are inseparable.

When I mention to other teens that I like to lift heavy, you can imagine the strange looks I receive. It used to bother me but now I could honestly care less! While everyone is buying greasy pizza and curly fries in the cafeteria, I've got my Tupperware containers of grilled chicken, a sweet potato and veggies. I like to FUEL my body with healthy foods, not slow them down with crap. 

And dear teenage girls (well all girls really), lifting heavy will NOT make you look like the Hulk on steroids. Women don't have the testosterone that men have to get that big. Those women who look manly inject themselves with steroids and testosterone to get that way; they can't do it naturally. So put down the frilly pink 2 lb. 'toning' dumbbells and pick up a 20 lb. dumbbell. Cardio alone will NOT shape your body. It makes you what is known as 'skinny fat' A.K.A. being thin but with no muscle.

To me, muscle is sexy and strong. I eat a lot, I train hard, and no, I do not check my weight. I can be a bit heavier than other girls my age but only because I probably have more muscle than them. I have a goal of competing in a figure competition one day and I also want to become a personal trainer. Fitness is in my blood! Sure, I may seem crazy to some people, but I like knowing that I am not like most people my age. How many girls that are 16 do you know that bust their butt 5 days a week lifting at the gym? I know none. And that's fine with me. I don't fit the 'mold' and I certainly don't mind.

For some people, drawing or cooking is a passion. For me, it's lifting weights. And I can't recommend it enough. Muscle shouldn't be viewed as 'manly.' It should be viewed as sexy, because it is!

Take it from Liz as well, as from being an avid reader of her blog I know that this girl can hold her ground in the weight room. Even when you're 16, remember: Eat clean. Train dirty. You're never too young or old to be healthy. :)

P.S. A huge thank you to Liz for this opportunity!

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