Monday, May 21, 2012


how many of you feel like you're stuck in your workouts? Do you only feel accomplished if you spend nearly 2 hours working out? Well, I used to feel that way. I used to spend nearly 90-120 minutes in the gym EVERY SINGLE DAY.. and i was quite a bit thicker then. Hmm. If I trained at the intensity I train at NOW for 90 minutes I might drop DEAD!

Especially with the weather warming up, its time to make your exercise WORK for you. make your workouts EFFECTIVE. Busting your ass on the stair master for 30 minutes will do WONDERS for you, as opposed to reading a magazine on the elliptical for an hour.


WELL, you gotta SPIKE your heart rate!! The more times your heart beats each minute, the more calories you will burn as a result of energy expenditure. With that said, you can't work at such high intensity for incredibly long bouts of time. Even 15 minutes of working at this high intensity can benefit your health and physique.  

Now, you all know I'm no cardio queen. Yes, I do lots of cardio in a relative sense, because I'm trying to stay LEAN while getting more and more muscular. But, muscles don't grow without  HEAVY TRAINING.

When you approach the dumbbells, barbells, cables, and kettlebells, etc... Don't pick up the same weights you've been using for 3 months! Challenge yourself! I like to work in the 6-10 rep range for the majority of my workouts, and complete 3 sets of each exercise, and drop-set every couple of workouts. However, sometimes I work in the 1-5 rep range, and use negative reps to SHOCK my muscles, and psych my mind up to lift HEAVIER weight in the near future. Then, there are times where I will work in the 12-15 rep range to shock my muscles in a different way, but always keep the weight heavy.

**Disclaimer: If you are NEW to weight lifting, there is NOTHING wrong with 3 and 5 pound dumbbells!!! EVERYONE NEEDS TO START SOMEWHERE! BUT...if you've been using 3 and 5 pounders for months, and you can do more than 15's time to step up. Try 8s and 10s.**

It has taken me MONTHS to build the strength I have now. Still, I can't complete my bicep curls with 25s for more than 5 reps. I'm ALWAYS working on getting stronger. The more you practice, you closer you will get to the bigger set of weights, and the more your muscles will show. 

Do not WASTE your precious time in the gym. Here's a sample workout guaranteed to kick your butt in less than an hour.

This workout combines running and full body strength training

Format: run a mile, lift, run a mile, lift, run a mile, lift.
The objective is to run a FASTER mile each round, and lift HEAVIER on your lifts each round. NO DELIBERATE RESTING, just time for sips of water or catching your breath! 

1. Run a mile. aim for faster than 9 minutes
--once the mile is complete. don't rest, head to a bench and grab some dumbbells. *If you are strong enough to complete shoulder presses and bicep curls with a 45lb barbell, use a squat rack for your station*
The circuit:
Complete 6-10 reps of each exercise with a warm-up weight, then complete the exercises with appropriate weight.
Shoulder Press
Bicep curl 
Barbell squat
6 jump squats
6 pushups

2. run a mile. aim for faster than 8:45 (or 15 sec faster than your previous)
Complete the circuit again, with heavier weights for each exercise. 6-8 reps 
Follow with 8 jump squats, and 8 pushups 

3. run a mile, aim for faster than 8:30. Sprint at 9.0+ for at least 1 minute of the mile
Complete the circuit for a final round, using HEAVY as possible. 
Aim to complete 6-8 reps per exercise
Finish with 10 jump squats and 10 pushups

You should finish in less than an hour, and be DRIPPING WET ! 

Make your workouts WORK for you and your hot bod!! 


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