Wanna hear about my leg workout today? Of course you do. That's why you're reading this. Because you want to read about my leg workout, and implement some of my training techniques in order to either improve or switch up your current gym routine.
Correct me if I'm wrong. That's why I read other people's blogs! Always looking for new inspiration and ways to work out so later i can werk it out. If you just really enjoy reading and pretending to hear my voice, that's awesome too. If you like my pictures and just read my blogs in hopes of catching glimpse of a half naked picture...i don't blame you! Okay I'm going nowhere fast now.

Anyway...onto today's leg workout.. I stepped away from my beloved SMITH machine, and spent almost my ENTIRE workout at the Squat rack. What a DIFFERENCE it made!!
Warmup: 5 minutes stair monster level 10
Cable kickbacks 2x15 reps
Cable laterals 2x15 reps
Squat Rack:
Squats w/45 barbell 2x15 reps to warmup
"Good mornings" 2x15 warming up
Stiff deadlift dynamic stretch 2x15 warming up
This isn't going to be a structured layout like usual, because I was trying a new format today, and just trying to work my legs until i couldn't go anymore.
Here are the exercises I did:
Barbell squats
Barbell plie squats
Sumo squats w/ 25lb plate
squat jumps (LOTS OF THESE..ouch)
switch lunges
side lunges
step ups w/30lb barbell
sideways step ups *inner thighs*
Reverse grip deadlifts
stiff-legged deadlifts
single legged deadlifts w/upright row *hello shoulder activation!*
more squat jumps...i swear i did more than 100 lol
...okay. so here's the deal. i did sets of ALL of those exercises, incorporating things like squat jumps and side lunges and switch lunges and step ups in between my squats and deadlifts. Using the free squat rack, with 0 assistance (unlike the smith machine) i got a WAY different workout. I almost forgot how much HARDER it is to squat CORRECTLY with no help from the smith. This means my weight load was almost the same, but WAY more difficult. I maxed 115 lbs on the squat rack, completing 6 reps with correct form. I felt the weight was too heavy to move up any more plates, unlike the Smith--where I can easily crank out 10 reps with 135lbs.
Then, i moved onto my beloved leg press.
Last week, I promised i would kill it with 4 plates during my next leg workout. I'm not going to lie, I did NOT see how it would be possible after spending 50 minutes on my legs already. but guess what guys? I KILLED IT!!
Leg press:
single leg warmup no plates 20 reps each leg
calf raises with no plates 30 reps
toes turned out no plates 2x15 reps
**1 plate each side** 12 reps
**2 plates each side** 12 reps
**4 plates each side**4 reps
WHAT?! 4?! Nope, try again LIZ
**4 plates each side**6 reps
Then , I took off all the plates and burned out my quads, pressing both legs, single leg, toes turned out..etc.
Last segment of workout:
Hyperextensions 3x15
Squat on the hyperextension machine *body by liz special. gotta video this for you to understand** 3x10 ... it really hits the booty and quads!
VOILA!!! There's my leg workout
I almost couldn't walk afterwards...
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