Cardio: Treadmill
37 minutes
1 mile 8:40, run until 10 mins
mins 10-20 alternate walk/sprint 1 minute intervals (fastest sprint 11.3mph!!)
mins 20-30 comfortable running, about 7.0 pace
mins 30-35 run backwards 5.5/side shuffle 4.0
Total: 37 minutes, 4 miles
Circuit 1: 3 sets 10 reps
cable one arm reverse fly
cable upright row
high rope pull
Circuit 2: 3 sets: 10/8/8 reps
Lat pull down (20/27.5/35 lbs)
---step ups on platform (15 front, 15 lateral step ups)
---toe taps on platform (1 minute after each set)

Seated overhead press (25's!! 4th set drop set 25s/20s/10s)
one arm bent over row 25s, 20s
seated reverse flys 5s, 10s
lateral/frontal raise combo 5s, 10s
Circuit 4: ABS
20 russian twist w. medicine ball x3 sets
v sits w. medicine ball 10 reps x 3 sets
plank dips 20 reps x 3 sets
roll ups w. medicine ball overhead 10 reps x 3sets

hollow abdominal isometric holds..
handstand practice
down dogs
Burned 594 cals!
Burning shoulders all day long!
I celebrated St. Patty's day with LOTS of extra greens! Check this out: Kale, romaine, spinach.. mmmm!

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