"Sweat is your fat crying"
These are both terms that I absolutely LOVE. I heard them first from friend and amazing Barry's instructor Keoni Hudoba, and they have stuck with me during EVERY workout!
I want to talk about PAIN and WEAKNESS today. Everyone has strengths. Those same people have weaknesses too. Not only in the gym, but in life. Some people are organized, some would lose their head if it weren't attached by their neck. Some people can cope with emotional hardship, while others let emotion take over them, and lose themselves in wallow and self-destruction.
But, I do fitness. So let's talk about your physical weaknesses. I'll start. My absolute weakness is leg and glute training. If someone asked if I'd rather run for my life for 2 hours, or squat for an hour...I'd be running for my life. I LOVE training my upper body, I could do core exercises ALL DAY.. but when it comes to these GLUTES and LEGS...I have to force myself. I used to avoid them, and just throw in a set of suitcase squats or barbell deadlifts here and there. But then, I realized my butt didn't look how I wanted. Most people would accept the fact that their butt must be sacrificed in order to improve their running. NOT ME!!! Yes, I have a weakness. But I'm willing to put in the effort to CHANGE it. Every damn Tuesday, I drag my booty to the gym, and just work with the leg press and squat rack. Minimal to zero cardio, just leg training. I hate every squat with more than 65 pounds. But I do them over and over and over again until I can barely stand straight because I want to turn my WEAKNESS into STRENGTH. I want to be just as proud of my backside as I am of my nice shoulders, obliques, biceps, etc. And THAT is why I torture myself every Tuesday.

Some people would say they LOVE training their legs, and would just do that if they could. It might pain them to look at their flabby arms, or ugly stomach. They have the ability to change it too!! Some elite athletes HATE cardio. They still do it 6 times a week with more intensity than most "cardio enthusiasts." If you want a physique, or you want to get stronger, dreaming aint gonna get you there. Just like anything else in life, you cant expect to just be given something. You need to act, and GET IT. Want a nice ass? Get your butt to the squat rack. Grab some dumbbells, do suitcase squats. Put your leg behind you on a bench and lunge it out until you fall over. It's the only way to get results.
Tuesday workouts make me want to CRY, GIVE UP, EAT. I always push through. 3 to 4 sets is just a WARM-UP on leg day. If I can do it more than 4 to 5 reps, I add weight. Drop-sets. Non-stop. It's like an hour of inferno.
There is no feeling more rewarding than pushing yourself past a limit you didn't know existed.
Change your weakness into strength.
That's what I have to say on this lovely Tuesday.
Wow my booty hurts!
Great post
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