Alright. This is nothing but a workout post. I had a SICKENING leg workout today, and SMASHED my deadlift goal: 155 pounds. Got 3 reps without straps, then 5 reps WITH straps. I was SO thrilled, and continued to deadlift as heavy as possible after hitting the mark.
Here you go: (Always foam roll/stretch/warm up!)
warm up: 5 minutes on the stair monster, level 70-- skip steps
Find a barbell and a box. I lift the barbell from the ground, using 25 pound plates for full range of motion. Plus, I'm only 5'3.
Warm-up for deads:
stiff legged deads 45lbs/15 reps
deads 95 pounds 12 reps x 2
deads 145 pounds 10 reps
GO TIME: deads 155 pounds 3 reps
add straps: deads 155 pounds 5 reps
reduce: 145lbs 8 reps
115 lbs 10 reps *ss* 15 narrow box squats
115 lbs 8 reps *ss* 15 narrow box squats
115 lbs 6 reps *ss 15 narrow box squats*
115 lbs 4 reps *ss* 15 wide box squats
115 lbs 2 reps *ss* 15 wide box squats
95 lbs 10 reps *ss* 15 wide box squats
95 lbs 8 reps *ss* 20 reverse lunges
95 lbs 6 reps *ss* 20 reverse lunges
95 lbs 4 reps *ss* 20 reverse lunges
De-load bar, finish with stiff deads 45lbs/15 reps
Good mornings SS ATG squats 30lb barbell 3x12
Stair monster 5 minutes level 70 skip steps
circuit: 3x15
reverse hyperextensions feet turned out (glute focus)
Wide plie kettlebell squat 40lb kbell
calf raises parallel/turned out
leg press circuit:
feet wide and high 4x10
feet narrow and high 4x10
calf raises 4x20
Final superset: 4x15
hyperextensions (no weight/10lbs/25lbs/10lbs)
elevated butt plank
hip bridges
SMOKED. walk on the treadmill 5 minutes 3.0mph 8%incline to finish
Talk about SICKENING leg workout. Took close to 90 minutes. Minimal resting, just time to deload and reload plates onto the barbell.
Amazing what a day of feasting on carbs can do for your workout the next day.
Try this out if you're brave!! For deadlifts, figure 155lbs is about 1.25x my current bodyweight. Multiply your weight by 1.25 to see what that would equal for you.